Ocular Health Evaluation
This involves checking out the health of the eyes, both inside and out. A thorough look at both the surface of the eyes and the inside of the eyes is performed to make sure that there are no signs of any health problems with the eyes. Evaluating the inside of the eyes usually involves the use of a dilating drop to open up the pupil enough to be able to see all of the structures inside of the eyes. This drop does not usually affect the distance vision, so driving home from the exam is okay, but your near vision is typically blurry for 2-3 hours after the exam and your eyes will be more sensitive to bright lights (due to the larger pupil) for the same length of time. As part of the evaluation of the health of your eyes, the eye pressure is also measured. This can be done in a couple different ways, but we do not use the “eye puff machine” at Progressive Family Eyecare!